Tuesday 24 February 2009


Going for the “big” story today Privatise or pensions will be cut, says the Times, Almost half a million Royal Mail staff past and present have been warned that their pensions could be halved if the plan to privatise part of the business does not go ahead

The big stick is out without the carrot, on the face of it; it appears that the Gov is forcing the privatisation onto the Royal Mail, when in fact it is the EU that is forcing the Gov to privatise- Directive 2008/6/EC which must happen by 2011.

The pension thing is a good “reason” on the face of it but it comes down to the fact that the Gov is still bending over backwards to kiss the EU’s arse.

If Gord and Ali can find hundreds of billions to bail out the fat cats why can’t they find a few billion to restore the pensions of the postal workers, and yes I know that “final salary” pensions are unsustainable, but that can be redressed.

The Gov has already partly privatised the mail, giving or “selling” the lucrative parcel deliveries to TNT, so what is left? The postal service, which actually made a profit last year “Unions, who will stage a protest to-day against the plans, say the Royal Mail made a profit of £255 million in the last nine months of 2008 and argue that can thrive as it is.”

There are 452,000 members of the pension plan, 161,000 still working and 291,000 retired or on deferred pensions. The overwhelming majority are on final salary schemes.

That’s half a million votes Gord!

"There is an enormous number of managers who have retired on the job." Peter Drucker


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