Saturday 11 April 2009


Political blogs are fuelling a culture of cynicism about politics, community’s secretary Hazel Blears has claimed. BBC NEWS

Ms Blears also attacked the "deeply unhealthy" number of government jobs given to career politicians with little experience beyond Westminster.

In a speech, she said a new generation of working-class politicians was needed such as Labour's Dennis Skinner and Conservative maverick David Davis.

One blogger suggested political spin was more to blame for voters' cynicism.
In a speech on political disengagement to the Hansard Society Ms Blears, who had a career as a local government solicitor before becoming a politician, complained that some Westminster colleagues live on "planet politics" and lacked real-life experience.

She turned her fire on political "bloggers" - accusing them of fuelling disengagement by focusing on "unearthing scandals, conspiracies and perceived hypocrisy" and of being written by "people with disdain for the political system and politicians"

“The most popular blogs are right-wing, ranging from the considered Tory views of Iain Dale, to the vicious nihilism of Guido Fawkes," she said.

But she added: "Unless and until political blogging 'adds value' to our political culture, by allowing new and disparate voices, ideas and legitimate protest and challenge, and until the mainstream media reports politics in a calmer, more responsible manner, it will continue to fuel a culture of cynicism and pessimism."

So it seems that the people of this country are not allowed to be cynical about the “expenses” fiasco, or pessimistic about the bottomless pit our economy has fallen into because it will show distain for the political system and politicians.

Who is living on “planet politics” now Hazel?

“When you say that you agree to a thing in principle you mean that you have not the slightest intention of carrying it out in practice.” Otto Von Bismarck


Angus Dei on all and sundry

NHS Behind the headlines


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